元器件交易網(wǎng)訊 4月16日消息,據(jù)外媒報道,索尼Bravia系列4K電視將于6月,最低價格為49英寸2099美元(約合13061元人民幣)。
索尼確定最新4K Bravia電視推出細節(jié),價格方面令人驚喜。“入門級”XBR-X850B系列49英寸電視2099美元起售,70英寸價格為5499美元?,F(xiàn)金充裕也可選擇XBR-X900B系列55英寸電視3999美元起售,79英寸價格為8999美元。升級版LED背光65英寸XBR-X950B價格為7999美元,85英寸價格則達到24999美元。所有4K電視將于6月出貨。
索尼也沒有忘記早期的Bravia系列產(chǎn)品,今夏4K播放器升級版FMP-X10也將出貨。價格信息尚不明確,但1TB容量可供下載視頻并支持4K 電影。它的前身售價為699美元,搭配銷售可能會有折扣。(元器件交易網(wǎng)毛毛 譯)
Sony has nailed down the final launchdetails for its newest 4K Bravia TVs, and surprise -- they just might beaffordable this year. The "entry-level" XBR-X850B series will startat a relatively frugal $2,099 for a 49-inch model, with prices peaking at $5,499for a 70-inch set. If you've got a bit more cash and want upgrades to bothaudio and wall mounting, the XBR-X900B line starts at $3,999 for a 55-inch setand scales up to $8,999 for a 79-inch variant. There's still a couple of modelsfor the money-is-no-object crowd, of course. The improved LED lighting of the65-inch XBR-X950B will set you back $7,999, while the display's 85-inch siblingcosts an eye-watering $24,999. All of the 4K sets ship in June.
The company also hasn't forgotten aboutthose with earlier Bravia sets. It's releasing an updated version of its 4Kmedia player, the FMP-X10, this summer. There's no pricing just yet, but it has1TB of storage for downloaded Video Unlimited movies and supports the same 4KNetflix movies as newer Bravia TVs. The previous model sold for $699, althoughSony has bundled it with sets for free or at a discount -- whatever the new onecosts, you may not have to pay full price.