元器件交易網(wǎng)訊 6月10日消息,據(jù)外媒報道,惠普正在高端超級計算機領(lǐng)域與IBM展開較量。最新跡象表明惠普正在技術(shù)硬件領(lǐng)域加倍施壓,IBM步步退卻。
惠普希望這兩款產(chǎn)品能夠幫助其提升企業(yè)級計算機硬件銷量。IBM將繼續(xù)致力于包括旗艦產(chǎn)品在內(nèi)的高端計算機硬件市場。今年一月IBM宣布將低端服務(wù)器業(yè)務(wù)以23億美元的價格出售給聯(lián)想。(元器件交易網(wǎng)毛毛 摘譯)
Hewlett-PackardHPQ +0.18% is taking onInternational Business Machines IBM -0.08% in high-end supercomputers, thelatest sign that H-P is doubling down on technology hardware while IBM pullsback from the market.
On Monday, H-P announced two new computerserver products under the new Apollo brand name. One of the machines, the H-PApollo 6000, combines up to 160 low-end servers in one rack that H-P says willoffer high performance computing capabilities that are superior to existingsystems while using up to about half of the energy. These types of systems sellfor less than $100,000, but can go as high as $500,000, says research firm IDC.
The other system, the H-P Apollo 8000, willbe the world’s first completely liquid-cooled supercomputer that lets H-Pcompete for the first with IBM and Cray in the high end of the market, saysAntonio Neri, H-P’s head of servers and networking. Those machines typicallysell for $500,000 at the low end, but can easily reach into the millions ofdollars or more.
“We are redefining the energy of data centers,” says Neri, who saysthe supercomputer requires 28% less energy than air-cooled systems. “It is ahuge opportunity for us.”
The overall server market hasn’t seen muchrevenue growth in recent years, says IDC analyst Steve Conway, but he said H-Pis smart to beef up its offerings in the high performance computing because itis the fastest growing part of the industry. IDC expects the market to see a 7%compounded annual growth rate between 2014 and 2017.
Last year, H-P was the worldwide leader inthe overall $10.3 billion market for high-performance computing, which includessupercomputers, claiming a 32.3% share of shipments, up from 31% in 2012,according to IDC. IBM’s share fell to 27.7% last year from 32% a year earlier.
“Given their experience to date, [H-P] will have some successes rightaway,” Conway said.
Still, Conway cautioned that sales willramp slowly since H-P needs to learn more about how to sell and support differentkinds of customers in the high performance market. “They have to gain someexperience with the kinds of customers and applications that needsupercomputers,” he said.
Supercomputers are used by governmentorganizations, such as the Department of Energy laboratories, and corporationsthat require massive computing power for complex calculations.
The Apollo 8000 cools the machines bysending water through channels built into the chassis surrounding thecomputers. The warm water is then circulated out of the chassis through a pipesystem that companies must build in their data centers. H-P says the warm watercan be used to heat parts of other facilities.
Neri says he believes the two new systemswill help H-P boost sales in its enterprise group that sells computinghardware. That group’s revenue declined 2% to $6.7 billion in the most recentquarter after recording small gains in the two previous periods.
IBM remains committed to the high end ofthe computer hardware market, which includes its flagship mainframe product.But as revenue from its overall hardware business erodes, it is retreating fromthe low-end where the company has had difficulty competing in sectors that arebeing commodified. In January, IBM announced it had agreed to sell its low-endserver business to Lenovo Group Ltd. for $2.3 billion in cash and stock.